Frequently Asked Questions 

• What is efflorescence?
Efflorescence is a problem throughout many types of masonry, grout, concrete, paver and stone installations, but one that can be minimized with the proper treatments. Efflorescence is a water soluble salt/lime carried from below by moisture, which then evaporates and leaves a powdery salt/lime on the surface behind. Usually white in color, it can be an aesthetic concern but will not affect the structural performance. However, if ignored, it can convert to a crystal form that is small enough to look the same as the powder and will attach tightly to the surface and be very hard to remove. These salts/limes are called leachates, referred to as "lime spots", "lime runs", or "lime deposits" and indicate a need for corrective measures. 

• What can I do to stop efflorescence?
Since many factors influence the formation of efflorescence, it is very difficult to predict if and when it will appear. However, you can reduce the probability of efflorescence occurring in grout and stone or paver installations by minimizing the amount of soluble salts/lime and moisture present in the grout, stone or pavers. Of the two, moisture is the more easily avoided. LayorCare sealers will give you unmatched weather tight protection on your grout, stone or paver installations and keep them looking clean for years to come. Whether you chose Neutral Seal, water based invisible penetrating sealers for the natural look, water based Wet Look on stone to darken and protect your installation or Paver Seal to give your pavers or stone a sheen surface, you will keep your surface looking like new longer and decrease the problems of efflorescence by repelling the water! 

• How do I remove efflorescence?
To remove efflorescence from pavers, decks, concrete, stone and grout simply apply LayorCare Multi-Blaster; wait about 2 or 3 minutes before scrubbing the salt/lime deposits with a stiff bristle brush or scrub pad. After this treatment the area should be immediately and thoroughly flushed with clean water. Allow surface to dry for 24 hours and then seal with the appropriate LayorCare sealer to give you your desired finish.
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